Patio Furniture: Preventing Sun Damage

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Patio Furniture: Preventing Sun Damage

Patio furniture can be damaged by a variety of reasons, including from dirt, water stains and even the heat from the sun. If you have a patio that is completely outdoors, you may be wondering how you can protect your patio furniture from sun damage. There are some ways you can protect your patio furniture, such as with custom covers for your patio furniture. Read on to find out more!

Keep Your Furniture in Your Home

If you stay in a warm or hot country with summer all year round, you should consider keeping the patio furniture that are not in use within your home. The sun’s UV rays are very strong, and can damage furniture outdoors. By keeping the furniture that is not usually in use outdoors, you will definitely prolong the lifespan of your furniture.

Use a Fabric Umbrella

Another thing you can consider is to use fabric umbrellas. UV rays from the sun are very strong, and over time, fabric exposed to the sun will get damaged. However, some fabric umbrellas are designed to help withstand the harmful effects of UV rays, which will keep the furniture protected.

Buy Furniture Made Out of Special Fabrics

There are also some types of fabric that are more resistant to the sun. When you shop for furniture, you can look out for furniture that are made of UV-resistant fabrics. However, they have a lifespan of only about 5 years, and will need replacements regularly.

Use a UV Protection Spray

UV protection sprays work the same way as a sunscreen does. A UV protection spray helps to protect the furniture’s fabric, preventing the fabric from getting damaged from the sun. You can ask about the UV protection spray from your patio furniture seller, as well as advice on how frequently the spray should be applied and whether you will need to reapply it again.

Use a Patio Cover to Protect Your Furniture

If you have a big patio, it may not cut it to simply use a small fabric umbrella. Another practical way to protect furniture from sun damage is to use a patio cover. Patio covers are easy to use and practical- all you have to do is to put the cover onto pieces of furniture in the patio to protect the furniture from sun damage. This makes it a fuss free and easy way to protect your furniture from sun damage.

Get Custom Covers for Your Patio Furniture at Creative Covers

Are you thinking about getting custom covers for your patio furniture? Here at Creative Covers, we offer a wide range of custom covers for you to choose from. You can choose from a wide range of colors and materials to find the one that is most suited for your own patio. We also offer custom covers and can tailor it to fit your furniture as long as you provide us with the exact specifications. Feel free to contact us to find out more about the custom covers that we offer today! We will be happy to serve you and answer your queries.

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