Protecting Your Outdoor Grill Island In Time For Upcoming BBQ Parties

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Protecting Your Outdoor Grill Island In Time For Upcoming BBQ Parties

Summertime is regarded as the best time to enjoy precious moments with friends and family. With the new normal that we are adapting with at the moment, one of the ways to still spend time with the ones we love is through outdoor grilling. Enjoy skewered vegetables, sausages, chicken, burgers, and any grilled food by protecting the outdoor grill island all the time. Nothing beats a well-maintained grill when ensuring that foods are grilled to perfection.

Protecting Your Outdoor Grill Before Cooking

Make sure that you have a grill pad or splatter mat with you before you even start grilling. These heat-resistant pads will protect not just the grill and the food you are cooking, but also the patio from possible drips that are not caught by the drip pan.

Proper Grill Placement

Set up your grill pan in an area that is well-ventilated, about 10 feet away from your house. Make sure that it is nowhere near overhead combustible surfaces as well as dry leaves. When installing the grill, check that every part, most especially the legs, is firmly in place. This will make the setup stable enough not to create problems when you are using it.

Paying Particular Attentions on Gas Grills

Gas grills need special attention because of their possible hazards. Checking for gas leaks, specifically when reconnecting and disconnecting the regulator from the cylinder. Inspect hoses for leaks and abrasions using a soap-water solution in order to safely test for leaks. Replace faulty hoses before you begin using the grill again.

Preparing the Kettle

Make sure that you have lined the kettle basin using aluminum foil before you add coals to it. This is required for a charcoal grill. Make it a point too that the coals have cooled once you have finished grilling before you wrap them up. Wash the bowl then line it again with aluminum foil, making it ready for next use.

Removing Grease and Ash

This is one of the most important things that you must do after using the grill. For gas grills, you will find a bottom tray where grease has accumulated while grilling. Remove this and get rid of the grease. A plastic scraper must come in handy to get rid of hard-to-remove ones. In the case of charcoal grills, ash pans must be emptied once the grill has cooled down. This is to get rid of possible moisture that may cause rusting on its parts.

Brushing the Grates

You can preheat the grill in order to easily remove any leftover debris. Using a stainless-steel bristle brush, you can remove debris and ash without much sweat. For deeper cleaning, simply remove the grates once the grill has already cooled down. Squirt some dishwashing liquid to it or submerge in warm, soapy water before you scrub it using either an abrasive pad or wire brush.

Covering the Grill

Outdoor grills island covers can be used to protect the grill and prepare it for next use. Do this once the grill has cooled down and has been cleaned. Read grill island instructions on how to use one for best results.

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