Outdoor Gas Grill Covers and Other Winter Preventative Grill Maintenance

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Let’s start with some good news. The first official day of the fall season may arrive this week, but grilling season is far from over! You can still enjoy grilling deep into autumn. With that being said, it’s important to understand that your grill needs to be winterized before the first freeze. Keep an eye on the forecast and take advantage of these winterizing tips to ensure your grill is ready to rock and roll at the first hint of spring.

Start With Some Heat – The easiest way to ruin the value of your grill is to leave residue on your grill and throw on your outdoor gas grill covers for the season. You’re going to open up your grill in the spring and it’s going to be covered in filth. This will not only lead to an extensive cleaning, it could lead to lesser taste in future uses. Instead of waking up to a headache, turn your grill to high heat and close the lid for 15-20 minutes. This will eliminate the residue left on the grill.

Grill Grate Cleaning – Just as you wouldn’t want to skimp on your outdoor gas grill cover, you shouldn’t skimp on a great grill brush. Utilizing a wire brush and scraping the surface while the grill is hot is best. Afterwards, let your grill get cool and break out the soapy water. You can take off the grill grates and scrub thoroughly. Afterwards, rinse with hot water and put your grill grates back on.

Soap for the Outside – Leave out the soapy water from the grill grates and wipe down the outside of your grill with a rag. Also, open up the lid and make sure both sides get wiped down. Avoid using anything other than a rag unless you absolutely have to. Certain scrubbing devices can do damage to the exterior.

Have the Right Outdoor Gas Grill Cover – We offer grill covers that are tailored to match your grill. This is important. A proper fitting grill cover can ensure that dirt and debris don’t seep into your grill. If at all possible, after applying your grill cover, roll your grill into a covered location. A garage would be great, but a carport or something similar will do just fine.

A little preventative maintenance can go a long way. It can extend the life of your grill and maximize the flavor you get out of your grill for years to come.