With winter here and snowstorms hitting all over the country, it’s important not to forget to protect our patios and the expensive grills and furniture that rest there. Most patio furniture is built with the summer heat in mind. It can easily withstand the sun and high temperatures, but by the time the first freeze hits, it’s important for all patio furniture to seek shelter.
Unlike grills, which can be utilized throughout the year when you use one of our custom fit grill covers, other furniture that is made of aluminum or wicker will need to be placed in a shed, garage or storage facility. The key is to not just pick these things up and start moving them.
It’s vital that everything gets properly cleaned before heading to storage. Each different type of material requires a different type of cleaning. For instance, metal and wicker sets will often have a sealant applied to it to protect against the summer elements. In order to protect the integrity of the sealant, nothing stronger than a mild soap and water should be utilized.
The toughest patio furniture to clean are sets that feature cushions and umbrellas. There’s a lot of debris that gets stuck in these cushions and within the umbrella. The good news is that a lot of the time the covers on the furniture can be washed directly in your home’s washer and dryer. Of course, please read the instructions labeled by the manufacturer before throwing these covers for a tumble. Umbrellas will need to be wiped clean with some soap and water and then wrapped for safe storage. Old towels can serve as a simple and effective wrapping tool that secures the integrity of the umbrella.
When it comes to where exactly to store your belongings, the most important factors are humidity control and security of the shelter. Patio furniture is expensive, so be sure to invest in a lock for an outdoor shed or simply utilize some extra space in your garage or basement. Keep in mind when it comes to the grills, that our outdoor grill covers make it possible to fire up the grill for all sorts of winter meals. Of course, we don’t blame you if you think the food will taste that much better come spring time!